Margarida Matos

Novonovo website redesign, 2022 - proposal

Palácio do Grilo - 2023, with Policronica

Archdaily Building of the Year 2023 nominee

Novonovo website redesign, 2022- proposal


Novonovo is a platform dedicated to design, consultancy and education on materials’ upcycling. This proposal aimed to redesign its’ main flow, clarifying the scope of their work and enhancing the beauty of their works.

The work conducted included heuristics’ analyis, user research and a UI prototype.

Architect and designer, interested in crafting and communicating sustainable futures for cultural spaces through adaptive reuse, heritage preservation and spatial design.

work experience

Spatial designer @ TOYNO studio, 2023-present

Architect @ Policronica,2021-2023

Architect @ Palácio do Grilo, 2020

Exhibition and workshop assistant @ Lisbon Architecture Trienalle, 2019

Research Assistant for Arch. Carlos Mourão Pereira, 2018-2019


User Experience Design Ironhack, 2023

MsC Architecture ULisboa, 2019

BsC Architecture ULisboa, 2016

